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A space for people to connect, converse and create. The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, but for groups to enjoy together. They help reduce loneliness and isolation, but most importantly, they’re fun.


CMIST - Community Men in Sheds Taunton

CMIST is a place where people can come together, build things, get involved in community projects, learn new skills or pass skills on to others, e.g. wood and metalwork, furniture restoration, painting, DIY, textiles etc. or indeed just socialise over a cuppa.

The aims of CMIST are:


To promote social inclusion for public benefit through the provision of a facility particularly for, but not exclusively for, men at risk of being socially excluded.

To prevent social exclusion by promoting the opportunity for friendships, social engagement and skill sharing in a safe and enjoyable environment, in which members can meet and carry out creative projects acceptable to the Shed and of their own choosing, individually, jointly and for the benefit of the wider community.

To promote good health and wellbeing to its members through active participation and, from time to time, providing opportunities for relevant health organisations to raise awareness of good health strategies for the benefit of the Shed.

All are welcome whatever their age, gender or background. Annual membership is £20 per person, plus £3 per session.

CMIST currently meets from

10:30am - 3:30pm:

Tuesdays (Men)

Wednesday (Women)

Thursday & Friday (Mixed)

About Us

CMIST - Community Men in Sheds Taunton emerged from the closure of Men in Sheds Taunton, a very successful Shed set up in 2018 on the Belvedere Estate in connection with Compass Disability Services.

Since the pandemic, we recognised that women have suffered the same as men due to the lockdown. This is when we changed from Men In Sheds Taunton to Community Men In Sheds Taunton.

We required new larger premises and the transition to incorporated Charity (A CIO) status.  We also had to weather the pandemic!  A very busy 8 months ensued in 2021/22 the big move occurring in early summer.

We are now installed, the new premises enabling us to double the number of people attending and offer over two stories and an outside area / workshop a wide range of resources and activities.

This all came together in July 2022 with the opening of the new Shed as CMIST in UNIT 1, Old Engineering Workshops, Station Approach North by Taunton Station (West side of the track).

Latest News




CMIST is a CIO registered charity No.1198052 governed by the Charity Commission.  Funds are raised through membership, attendance fees, fundraising, project grants, donation and the occasional sale of items members may create (bird-boxes, hedgehog houses etc).

Based on the current delivery model CMIST core costs require circa £6,500 per annum to operate and we are always looking to raise additional funding to help pay towards running costs, tools , resources and equipment (for use or resale). 

If you think that you are able to help us with these needs in any way, please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss.


Contact us

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Tel: 01823 971291


CMIST, Unit 1

Old Engineering Workshops
Station Approach North
Taunton Station
Taunton, TA1 1QP

Tel: 01823 971291


CMIST - Community Men in Sheds Taunton

Registered Charity No.  1198052

Unit 1, Old Engineering Workshops, Station Approach North, 
Taunton Station, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1QP

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